If you got to this page, and you are not a bot, thank you for taking the time to read about me!

My name is Darío Kondratiuk, and I’m a software developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Early days

I may not be able to say that I hacked my Commodore 64 in the 80s, but I can say that I wrote my first lines of C# code back in 2001, when the .NET Framework 1.0 Beta 2 was released.

I worked on enterprise projects for 10+ years. Those were fun days. I started playing with ORMs back in 2004 (Entity Framework wasn’t even in alpha). I started using OJB.NET, then turned into DomainObjects.NET, which was a port of OJB. After a few months using it on many projects, I ended up becoming part of the maintainers team. My most important contributions were implementing the Oracle provider and the composite primary key support. I was also an early adopter of Telerik products. It was super fun playing with Ajax panels a few years before ASP.NET AJAX came to light.

The public web

Joining MultiTracks.com in 2015 was a life changer. I started working as a remote developer, which is no a small change. MultiTracks.com helped me to get into what I call the real public web. I had to learn about how to deal with massive concurrency, hackers, caching, time zones, etc. It was fun contributing to projects which involved internationalization, multi-currency and multi-payment support among many other cool features.

Side projects

I’m passionate about software. I love learning something new every day. I love Node JS for scripting. I had fun creating a bot using Python. I coded a content generator using TensorFlow.

One of my main projects, which I’m super excited about, is Puppeteer-Sharp, a C# port of Google’s puppeteer library.

2020 arrived with new challenges, It’s playwright time! And Playwright will also have its .NET version: Playwright-Sharp.

I love the open source community. I love not only contributing to open source projects but also help developers to be part of this great community.

Final words

Wrapping up, if we meet in the future, the only thing you’ll need to know about me is that I like IPAs.